Building Smits: Life in Chaos

The updates have been lacking and that specifically has to do with how chaotic life has been. I began a new job at the end of August in the field of sustainability, which I could not be happier about. But sometimes at the happiest times in life you also deal with the saddest part of life. For me, one of these moments happened 1-week into landing my new job when my dad passed away rather suddenly. Some days it feels like he’s been gone for 6 months but other days it still doesn’t seem real. Does that make any sense?

When we started talking about renovating our home my dad was the one who wanted to know each detail, he was also super interested in how he could get his own hands dirty in the whole process. Two weeks after my dad passed we were scheduled to move out of our home with two toddlers in tow, which we somehow managed to do with the help of family and friends. Our project officially started two weeks ago and everyday I think about how much he would have loved watching the progress.

Here’s a view of our home prior to chaos ensuing…

Original House Photo Exterior

Thought I might share a few photos of what’s taken place so far, it’s the same view of our kitchen over a couple of days. I’m certain most of you will be completely jealous of our original 1950’s kitchen cupboards.

Kitchen prior to demolition (ignore the dishes/mess)…

Kitchen Before

Demolition Day 1/2: The things found behind the walls included wool insulation – yes, actually wool from sheep packed in bags. That fact alone is going to go a far way in helping us to ensure that our newly renovated home is more energy efficient.

Here is a quick view to our current front door, this wall is going to be completely removed in the coming days. It’s a supporting wall so it will need to be reinforced properly, which is a fairly large job. Can you spot the toddler?

Wall to be removed

While demolition is not very sustainable we have tried to donate as much as possible to be reused. If anyone in Niagara is looking for a central air conditioner, we have a unit that is approximately 8 years old that we would be more than willing to give away to a family who can use it.

Excavation and foundation work is set to begin at the end of this week. I can’t say enough about how hard Dale Thompson of Thompson Construction has worked for/with us thus far. From my understanding he is fairly booked until well into next year but we feel blessed to have found him and can’t wait to see the final product his company produces for our family.

I’ll continue to share updates when I get a minute or two, which seems to be a rare occurrence these days…



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